local seconds, minutes = 1000, 60000
Config = {}
Config.CheckForUpdates = true --| Check for updates?
Config.RemoveArmourOnBreak = true --| Should the vest be removed after no more armour
Config.ForceComponent = true --| Reset player component while armour active
Config.LoadAndSaveArmour = true --| Save armour in database?
Config.Cooldown = 60 --| In seconds
Config.OnPlayerDeathEvent = 'zrx_utility:bridge:onPlayerDeath' --| Event listener
Config.OnPlayerLoadEvent = 'zrx_utility:bridge:playerLoaded' --| First parameter needs the player id
If you want to use ox as inventory, read
Config.Inventory = false --| ox or false
Config.TakeBack = { --| Command to take your current equipped armour back to the inv
enabled = false, --| Only supports Config.Inventory to ox
command = 'takearmour',
usetime = 3 * seconds,
anim = {
dict = 'clothingtie', --| Dict
lib = 'try_tie_negative_a', --| Lib
flag = 1 --| 1 Full body - 16 Upper body
disable = {
car = true,
move = true,
combat = true
Config.Armour = {
item = 'bulletproof_small', --| Item name
usetime = 3 * seconds, --| Usetime
value = 25, --| 0 - 100 value
allowedInVehicles = false, --| Enabled?
allowedJobs = { --| Allowed jobs
unemployed = true
vest = {
female = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 0 --| Vest texture
male = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 0 --| Vest texture
anim = {
dict = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', --| Dict
lib = 'gang_chatting_idle01', --| Lib
flag = 1 --| 1 Full body - 16 Upper body
disable = {
car = true,
move = true,
combat = true
item = 'bulletproof_medium', --| Item name
usetime = 3 * seconds, --| Usetime
value = 50, --| 0 - 100 value
allowedInVehicles = false, --| Enabled?
allowedJobs = { --| Allowed jobs
unemployed = true
vest = {
female = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 1 --| Vest texture
male = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 1 --| Vest texture
anim = {
dict = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', --| Dict
lib = 'gang_chatting_idle01', --| Lib
flag = 1 --| 1 Full body - 16 Upper body
disable = {
car = true,
move = true,
combat = true
item = 'bulletproof_big', --| Item name
usetime = 3 * seconds, --| Usetime
value = 100, --| 0 - 100 value
allowedInVehicles = false, --| Enabled?
allowedJobs = { --| Allowed jobs
unemployed = true
vest = {
female = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 2 --| Vest texture
male = {
drawable = 10, --| Vest drawable
texture = 2 --| Vest texture
anim = {
dict = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', --| Dict
lib = 'gang_chatting_idle01', --| Lib
flag = 1 --| 1 Full body - 16 Upper body
disable = {
car = true,
move = true,
combat = true
--| Place here your punish actions
Config.PunishPlayer = function(player, reason)
if not IsDuplicityVersion() then return end
if Webhook.Links.punish:len() > 0 then
local message = ([[
The player got punished
Reason: **%s**
CORE.Server.DiscordLog(player, 'Punish', message, Webhook.Links.punish)
DropPlayer(player, reason)
--| Place here your esx Import
Config.EsxImport = function()
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
return exports.es_extended:getSharedObject()
return exports.es_extended:getSharedObject()
Last updated
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